The LHC Beam Aperture

John M. Jowett



"Fri 17 Aug 2007 14:00:50" adapting to Mathematica V6 and LHC V6.501, starting with a copy of the version for V6.500.  In the interests of keeping this notebook as small and simple as possible, I will not copy parts that are not presently needed (e.g. getting the data on pipes from the Oracle database, disentangling differences between that and other sources of data, etc.).  If they are needed in future they can be copied from the earlier versions.

At present we have the V6.500 continuous model as functions, with and without Beam Screen Tolerances and we have MAD files to assign the corresponding apertures to the V6.500 sequence.  We also have the hand-made MAD files for the V6.501 sequences with some changes to certain elements.  Some elements that were not in the V6.500 sequence have their aperture set to 9.99 m.




Load packages, set options

Working directory (user must customise!)

Utility functions for this application

Quick documentation for our packages

Setup of basic LHC Optics

The element aperture for V6.501

The continuous aperture model for V6.500

Identifying sections where the element aperture for V6.501 differs from the continuous model for V6.500

Differences in LHCB1

Differences in LHCB2

Recontructing new continuous functions for LHC V6.501

Still to be done

Put back the APER_TOL values.  Basically a trivial operation.

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