The element aperture for V6.501
Presently have files for V6.501 based on previous sequence-element assignment files for V6.500 with a number of hand-edited update. Unknown apertures, including many element whose names were changed or were not in V6.500 are changed to 9.999999 m in all 4 RECTELLIPSE components. This is an incomplete description of the beam aperture.
The APER_TOL values can be obtained in a TWISS table but you have to ask for these particular names.
MAD_X: names of aperture tolerances are different in input AP_TOL and output (APTOL_1) and in the APERTURE command (XTOL, YTOL, RTOL)...
In a previous try, I found that if you ask for columns APER_TOL1 etc. they turn out to be the same as APER_1. A bug in MAD-X.
Created by Wolfram Mathematica 6.0 (30 August 2007) |