Recontructing new continuous functions for LHC V6.501
Replacement for the minimal aperture
Now that we've got the clusters down to a small enough distance scale, we know that we can ignore the continuous aperture model for V6.500 within each cluster. Many clusters consist of just one element. In these cases we should delete any points supporting the continuous model that are within a very short distance of them, say ±0.5m. To recover the points of the continuous model, we have:
MSIB.C6L2.B1 | 3121.71 | 0.0283 | 0.0287 | 0.0283 | 0.0287 | 0.04 | 0.04 | 0.04 | 0.04 |
Get the table of aperture data inside the V6.500 continuous model
We can do better than that. Insert the new points from the element aperture within the cluster.
Repeat the operation iteratively for all the clusters and construct an mfs object with a new aperture model. Normally we would use mfsApertureCompress but we can't since there are no names in these objects. Not a big problem since there are not too many redundant points.
Creation of the continuous functions
Element apertures from the new continuous model
9/5/2006: These files are to be copied to the official repository of LHC optics files P:\\eng\lhc\optics\V6.501\aperture by Thys Risselada. I also made the following file to go with them.
Final comparisons
A version of the function that labels that points contained in the V6.501 sequence element aperture as red dots with text labels. The V6.500 continuous aperture is shown in blue and the new V6.501 continuous aperture in Green.
This version uses ToolTips to avoid cluttering the plots. But this won't work for printed documents, in that case use above
Points from the hand-edited sequence element assignment file for V6.501 are shown in red.
Points from the minimal representation of the V6.500 continous model are shown in blue.
Points from the new not-completely-minimal representation of the V6.501 continous model are shown in green.
Created by Wolfram Mathematica 6.0 (30 August 2007) |