Documents, Lectures and other talks
by John Jowett
This is a collection of links and references to documents
written by me (either as principal author or as a co-author) that it is
happens to be easy to make available on the Web. It is here for my personal
reference but others are welcome to use it. There are also
links to lists of older writings that are not available electronically.
March 1999: there are no longer any Postscript links here!
And more older papers (some going back as far as 1985 ...) are now available
in PDF format.
Lists from Library Databases
Library databases such as the CERN
Scientific Information Service (in particular HEPDOC
and Alice) can provide lists of my
papers. The following links are to saved copies of such lists. In fact,
I have never found one source that finds all of my writings so the following
lists overlap and probably still don't include everything.
The pages from SPIRES at SLAC contain links to the text
of some documents, usually in a scanned form, that can be found on various
library servers.
A list of 25 recent papers and
reports from SPIRES (saved 4/2/97)
Another 50 older papers and reports
from SPIRES (saved 4/2/97)
A list from KISS at KEK with
some links to scanned copies.
A list
of recent SL Division documents (includes SL Divisional Reports, SL
MD Notes, SL Notes, etc.written since around 1991). List compiled 12/5/97.
A list of older SL and LEP Division
documents (includes older LEP Notes, LEP Theory Notes, etc. up to around
Generate a CERN
Library Catalogue listing of my papers (does not include everything).
Lectures and talks for non-specialists
Lectures and talks for accelerator
Published papers on accelerator physics
Recent papers (the format is indicated in green
it is not HTML):
Realistic Prediction
of Dynamic Aperture and Optics Performance for LEP A paper presented
at the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference, New York
City, 29 March - 2 April 1999.
The Dynamic Aperture of LEP at High
Energy (PDF),
paper presented at the European Particle Accelerator Conference, Sitges,
Barcelona, 10-14 June 1996. If you were not at the conference you can also
have a look at our Poster Page 1 (67
kB PDF) and Poster Page 2 (66
kB PDF). This paper was a follow-on from the following:
Particle Dynamics in
LEP at Very High Energy(1.5 MB PDF)
A paper presented at the European Particle Accelerator Conference,
London 1994. This is in colour too.
Some old papers now available electronically.:
Commissioning and Operation
of the LEP Pretzel Scheme (0.16MB
PDF) presented at the Particle Accelerator
Conference, Washington DC, 1993.
Statistical Mechanics for Electron Storage Rings, SLAC Summer School
lectures 1985 (available from SLAC as high quality PDF
from scan, 109 pages, 8.4 MB).
the Transition to Chaos Determine the Dynamic Aperture?, Lake Louise
Conference 1986 (from SLAC, scanned PDF version 425
Length and Impedance Measurements in SPEAR at EPAC 88.
Workshop contributions
Here are a few recent contributions (the format is indicated
in green where it is not HTML):
Dynamics at LEP was my plenary talk at the 14th
Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Beam Dynamics Issues for e+e- Factories,
Frascati, Italy, 20-25 October 1997. This shows you the transparencies
only. The formal writeup
from CERN library. contains more text but fewer pictures.
with a 108/90 Optics in 1997and Vertical
Beamsize (and other calculations) in Various Optics are my contributions
to the 8th LEP Performance Workshop, held in Chamonix, France, January
Resonances: Predictions, Effects and Measurements (PDF)
is my contribution to the 7th LEP Performance Workshop,
held in Chamonix, France, January 1997. Related
SL Note/97-41 (PDF) or Mathematica
3.0 notebook.
Optics with 108/90 Phase Advance (PDF)
Problems from RF Asymmetries (PDF)
are my contributions to the 6th
LEP Performance Workshop, held in Chamonix, January 1996.
Dynamic Aperture for LEP:
physics and calculations (3.7 B PDF).
is essentially a contribution to the 4th LEP Performance
Workshop, held in Chamonix, France, January 1994. It is a fairly didactic
account of the radiation effects on dynamic aperture at high energy in
LEP, with examples. Other contributions at that workshop included:
Horizontally separated
encounters in the middle of the arcs(0.18 MB
More Bunches with Pretzel(0.25
LHC Project Notes
Project Note 179, Collision
Schedules and Bunch Filling Schemes in the LHC and associated Web
page with animations and full technical background.
Recent CERN SL Notes
CERN SL Note 98-072 AP, Evaluation of
a (131°,90°) Physics Optics for LEP, J.M. Jowett, 0.21
CERN SL Note 98-062 MD, Transverse
Beam Tails and Aperture in the 1998 102/90 physics optics, H. Burkhardt,
J.M. Jowett, I. Reichel, G. von Holtey (0.24
CERN SL Note 98-20 (AP), Monte-Carlo
Study of the (102°,90°) Physics Optics for LEP in 1998
CERN SL Note 97-84 (AP), Monte-Carlo
Study of the (102°,90°) Physics Optics for LEP
CERN SL Note 97-41 (AP)
(PDF format) or Mathematica
3.0 notebook. Lifetime Reduction by a single resonance.
CERN SL Note 97-27 (AP)
(PDF format) Collision Schedules (superseded by newer
version above).
CERN Reports ("Yellow Reports")
These are mostly collective efforts where I was a member of a working group.
Beam Physics Notes
This is a new series of unofficial notes circulated within our group, started
in October 1998. Several of mine are connected with the
applications for the LHC and are available from there.
Physics Note 10, Effects of the sextupole configuration on the performance
of the (102°,90°) optics in LEP
Technical notes
These are probably only of interest to people working here
on LEP.
The dispfit.rex program
This is for fitting dispersion and orbits at the interaction
points in LEP. This is the HTML version of CERN SL Note 95-76 (AP).
RF Voltage Distribution
in LEP with MAD
A MAD utility for summarising the distribution of RF voltage
around the LEP ring. This is the HTML version of CERN SL Note 96-29 (AP).
Beam Size, Emittance and
Optical Functions in LEP, SL Note 96-38 (AP).
This is concerned with the relations between measured beam
size and emittance in LEP
SL Performance Committee
I was secretary of the SL Performance Committee during 1994-95.
Here is an archive
of the notes of the meetings that I wrote during that time.
Last updated: 2/3/98 - I need to add several things ....
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