Older SL Division documents

Documents by John Jowett from the SL Division database up to around 1991. These include LEP Notes.

Authors Document Title Date
Bassetti, M // Jowett, J M CERN LEP DivRep 87-009 TH Improving the energy resolution of LEP experiments 1987-03-00
Blondel, A // Buon, J // Jowett, J M // Keil, E // Koutchouk, J P // Limberg, T CERN LEP DivRep 88-46 TH Polarized beams in LEP 1988-09-00
Blondel, A // Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 88-606 Dedicated wigglers for polarization 1988-05-03
Brandt, D // Cornelis, K // Funakoshi,Y // Hagel, J // Jowett, J M // Peschardt, E // Rivkin, L // Rossa, E // Zotter, B CERN LEP PerfNote 90-035 Measurements of single bunch stability in LEP 1990-09-21
Brandt, D // Fieguth, T // Hagel, J // Hand, L // Hofmann, A // Jowett, J M // Myers, S // Placidi, M // Rivkin, L // Wang, T // Weihreter, E // Zotter, B CERN LEP ComNote 89-006 Preliminary measurements of the impedance of LEP 1989-09-27
Buon, J // Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 87-584 Depolarizing system for LEP 1987-06-19
Collier, P // Herr, W // Jowett, J M // Poole, J CERN LEP PerfNote 92-077 The 60 deg. pretzel optics at injection energy 1992-01-10
Gröbner, O // Jowett, J M // de Rijk, G // Taylor, T M CERN LEP PerfNote 91-060 First experiment with the polarization wigglers at injection energy 1991-08-02
Guignard, G // Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 82-407 Damping aperture of LEP 1982-09-00
Guignard, G // Jowett, J M // Taylor, T M CERN LEPNote 84-521 Configuration of dipole wigglers for LEP 1984-11-15
Gygi, P M // Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 86-40 TH Running BEAMPARAM on VM/CMS 1986-10-28
Gygi-Hanney, P M // Jowett, J M // Keil, E CERN LEP DivRep 88-002 TH Beamparam a program for computing beam dynamics and performance of electron positron storage rings (description and user's guide) 1988-12-14
Healy, L // Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 87-56 TH RDPAR : a parameter reading utility 1987-09-29
Hofmann, A // Hübner, K // Hutton, A // Jowett, J // Keil, E // Montague, B W // Myers, S // Weiland, T // Zotter, B CERN LEPNote 81-293 A summary of recent work on beam dynamics and collective phenomena in LEP versions 8 and 9 1981-03-11
Hubner, K // Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 82-09 TH Broad band model for the transverse impedance of LEP 1982-08-20
Hübner, K // Jowett, J // Myers, S CERN LEPNote 81-316 Collective single-bunch effects and broad-band impedance model 1981-07-27
John, M // Jowett, J // Zholents, A CERN LEP PerfNote 92-084 Horizontal symmetric bumps around the interaction points in the S21M20 optics 1992-04-09
Jowett, J CERN LEP PerfNote 91-070 Dispersion measurements and vertical pretzels in the 90° lattice 1991-10-07
Jowett, J CERN LEPNote 82-368 Beam separation in mid-arc for eight-bunch operation of LEP 1982-04-06
Jowett, J M CERN LEP PerfNote 91-059 Reference information on the polarization and damping wigglers at injection energy 1991-07-31
Jowett, J M CERN LEP PerfNote 92-088 Reference information on the emittance wigglers at Z-zero-energy 1992-05-05
Jowett, J M CERN LEP PerfNote 92-089 Control of Beam-beam effects using the emittance wigglers 1992-05-06
Jowett, J M CERN LEP DivRep 83-051 TH A method for distinguishing chaotic from quasi-periodic motions in orbit tracking programs 1983-09-00
Jowett, J M CERN LEP DivRep 85-004 TH Luminosity and energy spread in LEP 1985-03-00
Jowett, J M CERN LEP DivRep 85-012 TH Taloring the performance of LEP 1985-05-00
Jowett, J M CERN LEP DivRep 87-056 TH Initial design of a Charm factory at CERN 1987-12-00
Jowett, J M CERN LEP DivRep 89-017 TH More bunches in LEP 1989-03-00
Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 81-329 Electromagnetic interaction of Gaussian bunches with the superconducting RF system for LEP 1981-10-21
Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 81-343 Handling wake potentials computed with BCI 1981-12-09
Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 82-369 Current ranges for LEP at the beam-beam limit 1982-04-13
Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 82-389 Emittance control with wigglers 1982-06-15
Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 83-438 Effect of injection insertions on dynamic aperture 1983-03-22
Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 83-438 Effect of injection insertions on dynamic aperture 1983-04-22
Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 83-474 Synchro-betatron resonances in the two particle model 1983-11-11
Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 84-493 Choice of a working point for LEP 1984-04-13
Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 84-494 Influence of sextupole excitation errors on dynamic aperture in the 60 ° lattice 1984-04-25
Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 85-544 Feasibility of a monochromator scheme in LEP 1985-09-00
Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 87-579 Global performance estimates for LEP at energies up to 200 GeV 1987-04-27
Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 87-579 Global performance estimates for LEP at energies up to 200 GeV 1987-05-26
Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 88-616 Consequences of less symmetrical locations of the polarization wigglers 1988-11-08
Jowett, J M CERN LEPNote 89-620 Tune-shift compensation for the emittance and damping wigglers 1989-02-27
Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 82-01 TH A new IBM version of the program PATRICIA 1982-01-14
Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 82-05 TH Emittance wigglers, polarisation and BEAMPARAM 1982-06-22
Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 82-05 TH Emittance wigglers, polarisation and BEAMPARAM 1982-07-12
Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 83-16 TH An easy way to run PATTV (PATRICIA) 1983-10-07
Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 83-26 TH Positioning of wigglers in LEP version 13 1983-11-25
Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 84-30 TH ARWEB : a graphics program for displaying synchro-betatron resonances and tune spreads 1984-04-26
Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 86-42 TH Implementing a LEPTH disk on VM 1986-01-09
Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 87-47 TH WIGWAM a description of the program 1987-06-10
Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 87-51 TH "Utilisation des systemes de calcul formel". Trip report 1987-09-14
Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 87-54 TH Report on trip to DESY 1987-09-04
Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 88-58 TH Betatron coupling and damping partition 1988-01-06
Jowett, J M CERN Lep Note 89-63 TH RDTWISS: easy manipulation of the TWISS data from MAD 1989-01-20
Jowett, J M // Hofmann, A CERN LEP DivRep 88-34 TH BEAM RESPONSE MEASUREMENTS AT SPEAR 1988-06-00
Jowett, J M // Myers, S CERN LEPNote 84-501 Performance of LEP version 13 with a new working point 1984-06-01
Jowett, J M // Ruth, R D CERN LEP DivRep 83-026 TH Alternating helicity in electron-positron storage rings 1983-05-00
Jowett, J M // Taylor, T M CERN LEP DivRep 83-010 MA Wigglers for control of beam characteristics in LEP 1983-03-00
Jowett, M J CERN LEP DivRep 83-040 TH Non linear wigglers for large electron positron storage rings 1983-08-00
Jowett, M J CERN LEP DivRep 83-043 TH Dynamics of electrons in storage rings including non-linear damping and quantum excitation effects 1983-08-00
Jowett, M J CERN LEP DivRep 88-022 TH tHE Charm factory storage ring 1988-06-00

Last Update: 4/2/97

Name: John M. Jowett