<Note made at 14:11:05 on 9 May 2006 by J.M. Jowett> |
The following files can be used to define the aperture of the LHC |
within the MAD-X program: |
LHCB1ApertureWithBSTolerances.mad |
LHCB2ApertureWithBSTolerances.mad |
LHCB1ApertureWithoutBSTolerances.mad |
LHCB2ApertureWithoutBSTolerances.mad |
---------------------------------- |
These are MAD-X input files which define the aperture of the Beam 1 |
sequence LHCB1 and the Beam 2 sequence LHCB2, with or without the |
subtraction of a Beam Screen tolerance for orbit and misalignment |
according to the LHC functional specifications |
LHC-VSS-ES-0001 rev 0.2, |
LHC-VSS-ES-0002 rev 1.2. |
(Note that this \"Beam Screen Tolerance\" is a different concept from the |
aperture tolerances (AP_TOL values for MAD's APERTURE command.) |
These files can be read in after the standard sequence file V6.5.seq for |
this version of the LHC. They assign an aperture to every element in |
the two sequences, e.g., with MAD's CALL command from a Linux system |
with access to CERN AFS (lxplus), e.g., to assign the aperture |
with tolerances to every element in both rings: |
CALL,FILE=\"/afs/cern.ch/eng/lhc/optics/V6.500/V6.5.seq\"; |
CALL,FILE=\"/afs/cern.ch/eng/lhc/optics/V6.500/aperture/LHCB1ApertureWithBSTolerances.mad\"; |
CALL,FILE=\"/afs/cern.ch/eng/lhc/optics/V6.500/aperture/LHCB2ApertureWithBSTolerances.mad\"; |
Reading in a \"WithBSTolerances\" file after a \"WithoutBSTolerances\" file will |
simply replace every aperture value and vice versa. |
LHCApertureWithBSTolerances.m |
LHCApertureWithoutBSTolerances.m |
------------------------------ |
These files define a continuous model which is the most complete |
description possible. It defines the aperture at every azimuth s, |
reproducing every BPM chamber, transition between chamber types, |
etc. |
Either of these files defines a continuous model of the aperture for |
each of the two sequences LHCB1 and LHCB2 as a Mathematica function |
(LHCApertureComponent), with or without the tolerances. This model can |
be read into any Mathematica session, e.g., |
Get[\"/afs/cern.ch/eng/lhc/optics/V6.500/aperture/LHCapertureWithBSTolerances.m\"] |
from a CERN Linux system (e.g., lxplus) |
or |
Import[\"http://proj-lhc-optics-web.web.cern.ch/proj-lhc-optics-web/OpticsSourceAllVersions.link/V6.500/aperture/LHCapertureWithBSTolerances.m\"] |
from any computer with Internet access. |
The function is self-documenting. Once loaded in Mathematica, you can |
type |
?LHCApertureComponent |
for the usage message. |
Notes |
----- |
The MAD files described above constitute one of the simplest versions of |
the aperture model for general use with MAD. |
They condense the information given in other files in this directory |
(see, e.g., job.sample.aperture.madx) into a single MAD file for each |
sequence. The large number of markers defined in the Collimation Model |
(e.g., for the ends of the beam screens and vacuum chambers) are not |
included. |
However, depending on requirements, many further versions are available |
or can be created. For example: |
(a) for tracking purposes, you may want to define apertures more densely |
in drift spaces, perhaps with the density increasing as a function of |
the local beta function. |
(b) you may want to add aperture tolerance parameters for the APERTURE |
command in MAD-X. |
(c) you may want to insert markers at the points in drift spaces where |
the aperture changes and at no others (the so-called minimal aperture |
model). |
The tools to create these a la carte, can be found in |
/afs/cern.ch/user/j/jowett/w1/LHC/V6.500/ApertureModel/LHCApertureModel.nb |
Please contact me if you need further information or a special version. |
</Note made at 14:11:05 on 9 May 2006 by J.M. Jowett> |