
<Note made at 14:11:05 on 9 May 2006 by J.M. Jowett>
The following files can be used to define the aperture of the LHC
within the MAD-X program:
These are MAD-X input files which define the aperture of the Beam 1
sequence LHCB1 and the Beam 2 sequence LHCB2, with or without the
subtraction of a Beam Screen tolerance for orbit and misalignment
according to the LHC functional specifications
LHC-VSS-ES-0001 rev 0.2,
LHC-VSS-ES-0002 rev 1.2.
(Note that this \"Beam Screen Tolerance\" is a different concept from the
aperture tolerances (AP_TOL values for MAD's APERTURE command.)
These files can be read in after the standard sequence file V6.5.seq for
this version of the LHC.  They assign an aperture to every element in
the two sequences, e.g., with MAD's CALL command from a Linux system
with access to CERN AFS (lxplus), e.g., to assign the aperture
with tolerances to every element in both rings:
Reading in a \"WithBSTolerances\" file after a \"WithoutBSTolerances\" file will
simply replace every aperture value and vice versa.
These files define a continuous model which is the most complete
description possible.  It defines the aperture at every azimuth s,
reproducing every BPM chamber, transition between chamber types,
Either of these files defines a continuous model of the aperture for
each of the two sequences LHCB1 and LHCB2 as a Mathematica function
(LHCApertureComponent), with or without the tolerances.  This model can
be read into any Mathematica session, e.g.,
       from a CERN Linux system (e.g., lxplus)
       from any computer with Internet access.
The function is self-documenting.  Once loaded in Mathematica, you can
for the usage message.
The MAD files described above constitute one of the simplest versions of
the aperture model for general use with MAD.
They condense the information given in other files in this directory
(see, e.g., job.sample.aperture.madx) into a single MAD file for each
sequence.  The large number of markers defined in the Collimation Model
(e.g., for the ends of the beam screens and vacuum chambers) are not
However, depending on requirements, many further versions are available
or can be created. For example:
(a) for tracking purposes, you may want to define apertures more densely
in drift spaces, perhaps with the density increasing as a function of
the local beta function.
(b) you may want to add aperture tolerance parameters for the APERTURE
command in MAD-X.
(c) you may want to insert markers at the points in drift spaces where
the aperture changes and at no others (the so-called minimal aperture
The tools to create these a la carte, can be found in
Please contact me if you need further information or a special version.
</Note made at 14:11:05 on 9 May 2006 by J.M. Jowett>

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