European Organization for Nuclear Research


Accelerator Physics

Heavy Ion Colliders

(Some) Accelerators, Groups and Labs

This list is not meant to be exhaustive but it leads to others that might be!

Future Projects, Studies, Working groups, etc.

Journals, conferences, etc. specifically related to accelerators

Particle Data Group's  Experimental Methods and Colliders for parameters of many machines and a compact introduction to accelerator physics.

Various accelerator-related sites

Accelerator Physicists' home pages

This is even less systematic and could grow without bounds.  A rough selection criterion is that I once found useful technical material on these links.

Wolfram Fischer  J. Scott Berg Francesco Ruggiero Gennady Stupakov Nick Walker Waldo Mackay Valeri Lebedev Hywel Owen Desmond Barber  Alex Chao Dobrin Kaltchev

Accelerator Physics Programs

tau-charm Factory

ICFA Newsletter for December 1995ICFA Statement on a Tau Charm Factory   

Other things

Modified 24-Feb-09