Matching conditions

It's convenient to define functions that store the initial and final conditions of the relevant TWISS functions for an insertion.   We want to set the phases to zero at the beginning of the insertion and, for the moment we are not looking at the orbits.  So we change rules for MUX and MUY which would otherwise give the phases accumulated from IP1 to the insertion, to give zero.  The relevant set of quantities that we will match for are



Store the results in the following database functions.



Initial and final conditions for the insertion with checks



This should closely resemble the corresponding values in the reference Twiss table, except for the phases





This should closely resemble the corresponding values in the reference Twiss table





For the final conditions, we have to get the phase advance over the insertion from the propagated solutions (which start with phases of 0):



This should closely resemble the corresponding values in the reference Twiss table







This should closely resemble the corresponding values in the reference Twiss table





Verifications of initial and final conditions over the insertion, comparison with reference TWISS table

Verifications of TWISS functions at the IP, comparison with reference TWISS table








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