Review section to be matched


We need to create versions of this module for Beam1 and Beam 2:










Tabulate optical functions at main markers to orient ourselves.  Note that E.CELL.12.B1 has the same β functions as S.DS.L2.B1.   This calculation covers a good part of the arcs beyond what was just defined as "IR2DS.B1", etc/  Any difference in dispersions at the first 3 markers  is because of the extra from the crossing bumps.


NAME s "index_154.gif" "index_155.gif" "index_156.gif" "index_157.gif" "index_158.gif"
S.CELL.12.B1 1509. 168.7 3.737 1.961 35.09 3.439
E.CELL.12.B1 1616. 168.7 4.001 1.961 35.09 3.683
S.DS.L2.B1 2786. 168.7 6.893 1.961 35.09 6.326
E.ARC.12.B1 2893. 162.4 7.149 2.035 41.55 6.56
E.DS.L2.B1 3063. 90.18 7.712 0.04939 92.35 6.949
LHCINJ.B1 3189. 57.44 7.995 -0.1103 67.37 7.265
IP2 3332. 10. 8.437 "index_159.gif" 10. 7.747
S.DS.R2.B1 3602. 102.8 9.19 -0.1243 99.66 8.512
S.ARC.23.B1 3772. 37.13 9.712 1.113 167.8 8.931
E.DS.R2.B1 3879. 31.42 9.961 0.9958 172.2 9.2
S.CELL.23.B1 4841. 31.42 12.33 0.9958 172.2 11.39
E.CELL.23.B1 4948. 31.42 12.6 0.9958 172.2 11.63




NAME s "index_163.gif" "index_164.gif" "index_165.gif" "index_166.gif" "index_167.gif"
S.CELL.12.B2 1509. 31.42 3.62 0.9958 172.2 3.552
E.CELL.12.B2 1616. 31.42 3.884 0.9958 172.2 3.795
S.DS.L2.B2 2786. 31.42 6.747 0.9958 172.2 6.463
E.ARC.12.B2 2892. 38.92 6.998 1.113 165.6 6.705
E.DS.L2.B2 3063. 100.0 7.511 -0.1183 159.5 7.372
IP2 3332. 10. 8.256 "index_168.gif" 10. 7.997
S.DS.R2.B2 3602. 111.3 8.912 -0.01145 113.3 8.776
S.ARC.23.B2 3772. 162.8 9.472 1.898 42.92 9.076
E.DS.R2.B2 3879. 168.7 9.738 1.961 35.09 9.307
S.CELL.23.B2 4841. 168.7 12.11 1.961 35.09 11.49
E.CELL.23.B2 4948. 168.7 12.37 1.961 35.09 11.74





Check values at the IP





Values at the start of the insertion





Values at the end of a periodic arc cell





The sign change is due to the fact that the end marker of the cell is to the right of a QF whereas the start marker of the dispersion suppressor is to the left of a QF.  To get the same proper conditions at the start of the dispersion suppressor, we need


Strengths to be varied

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