Load prototype package with the beam--beam function. Don't worry about Context messages.
The following MAD programs were found on your computer: |
C:\\PROGRA~1\\mad\\madx\\madx.exe |
C:\\PROGRA~1\\mad\\MAD9\\MAD9_5.EXE |
C:\\PROGRA~1\\mad\\mad8old\\mad8.exe |
C:\\PROGRA~1\\mad\\mad8\\mad8.exe |
*** The first one in the above list has been set as default for runMAD. *** |
On Windows, you can choose another by specifying the \"8.3\"-style filepath for the program location, e.g. something like SetOptions[runMAD,MADprogram->\"C:\\\\PROGRA~1\\\\mad\\\\mad8\\\\mad8.exe\"] |
On Unix-like systems, you can choose another by specifying a \"Bourne shell\" system command for the program, e.g., something like SetOptions[runMAD,MADprogram->\"mad -new\"] |